Supporting students throughout their high school athletic journey.

A message from the 2024-2025 SMHS Athletic Booster Club

We are very proud of the SMHS Athletics Program, which provides a highly competitive and great experience for student-athletes! The SMHS Booster Club contributes to its success by helping offset program costs that the district is not able to cover, such as referee fees, transportation to away games, facility maintenance and improvements, maintenance of vans, purchases of team equipment, and more.

We hope you will consider purchasing a membership for your athlete! 

Your membership fees directly provide the funds to support our teams and athletic programs.

Athlete Membership

Booster Membership for ONE athlete + ONE Activity Card for parent

Athlete + Family Membership

Membership for ONE athlete + TWO Activity Cards for parents

Additional Booster Activity Card

Additional membership cards for alumni, grandparents, siblings, etc.

If every athlete donated $100, we would be able to cover the majority of the costs listed above. Plus, a perk of having a membership includes a Booster Activity Card for parents. This card provides FREE admission to home games so you can bypass lines and not hassle with GoFan.

This year, we will charge gate fees for additional sports and premium games, which will increase the value of membership.

Sponsor an Athlete

Sponsor an Athlete by Donating to a Sports Team

Get your Booster Card ASAP — Home games start on August 13th!

Booster Activity Cards provide free entry to all SMHS regular season home games; CIF games not included. 

***Booster Cards are NOT the same as a Student “Royal” ID Card*** 

You can donate/purchase on our website,

Booster Activity Cards will be mailed out to the address provided.

Please email for more information.

Go Royals!

Fundraising support for fuel costs, transportation, referees, approved projects, strength training and team needs for all 22 sports is accomplished through the purchase of Booster memberships.

The Boosters help cover costs that exceed what the District is able to provide. We strive to provide funding that serves ALL teams.

We encourage all athletes and their families to purchase a membership or donate.

Join the SMHS Boosters Today.

It all begins with you.

When you choose to make a donation to the San Marcos High School Athletic Boosters, you’re choosing to directly help our student athletes. Thank you for supporting the entire athletic program at San Marcos High School.

Go Royals!

“With the support from the Athletic Boosters, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”

— Abe J., San Marcos High School Athletic Director


If you have any questions, please use the form here to contact Korlynne Sandoval, the current San Marcos High School Athletic Booster President.
